![Vinh Nguyen](https://apps.math.msu.edu/PageSpace/pb/vinh-nguyen/Home/Vinh.jpg "Vinh Nguyen")

### About me
I am a research associate in the [Department of Mathematics at Michigan State University](https://math.msu.edu/) working with [Prof. Keith Promislow](https://users.math.msu.edu/users/promislo/) and [Prof. Andrew Christlieb](https://directory.natsci.msu.edu/Directory/Profiles/Person/101537). I got my PhD from the [University of Illinois at Chicago](https://mscs.uic.edu/) under the supervision of [Prof. Roman Shvydkoy](https://shvydkoy.people.uic.edu/). My research interests include PDEs, SPDEs, Mathematical Models of Collective Behavior, Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations, Linear Programming, and Interpolation and Extension Theory.

My CV can be found [here](https://apps.math.msu.edu/PageSpace/pb/vinh-nguyen/CV/VinhNguyen_CV.pdf "CV").

#### Contact  
Email: [nguy1685@msu.edu](mailto:nguy1685@msu.edu)  
Office: C319 Wells Hall   
             Department of Mathematics    
             619 Red Cedar Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824
### Academic Employments
* **Michigan State University**
    - Research Associate, 07/2024- present

* **Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology**, Hanoi, Vietnam
   - Researcher, 2013-2017  
### Education
 Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics ( 2024), [University of Illinois at Chicago](https://mscs.uic.edu/). Advisor: [Prof. Roman Shvydkoy](https://shvydkoy.people.uic.edu/)  

 M.A. in Mathematics (2019), [Indiana University Bloomington](https://math.indiana.edu/about/index.html)  

 M.Sc. in Mathematics (2012), [Institute of Mathematics](http://math.ac.vn/en/trang-chu/gioi-thieu-vien-toan.html), Hanoi, Vietnam. Advisor: [Prof. Nguyen Dong Yen](http://math.ac.vn/en/component/staff/?task=getProfile&staffID=76)   

 B.A. in Education in Mathematics (2010), [Thai Nguyen University of Education](http://en.tnu.edu.vn/thai-nguyen-university-of-education-dt388.html), Vietnam 
### Honors & Awards
+ Damber Singh Tomer and Meena Singh Tomer Endowed International Scholarship, UIC (2024)
+ Victor Twersky Memorial Scholarship, UIC (2022)
+ University Fellowship, Graduate College, UIC (2019 -2023)
+ College of Arts and Sciences Fellowship, IUB (Spring 2018)
+ Vietnam Education Foundation Fellowship (declined) (Cohort 2016)
+ Honored for Excellent Performance in the Master Program, Hanoi Institute of Mathematics (2012)
+ Undergraduate Student Fellowship, Thai Nguyen University of Education (2007-2010)